Stories from Rural Egypt
This collection is a specially curated sampling of posters from films that represent a distinctive theme in Egyptian cinema: stories spotlighting the peoples, communities and experiences of rural Egypt. These narratives courageously explore a variety of relevant social themes, including the persisting feudal system, intra-community power dynamics, generational poverty, cultural and social norms, family revenges, attachment to land, attempts at agrarian reform, and urban migration. Regardless of sub-theme, these films typically represent village life in a way that's nostalgic and idealized, though often problematic or even bitter.
The posters for these films are unique and compelling artworks that each provide a snapshot of a different story worth exploring, and each is a worthy collectible for Egyptian cinema fans and those interested in rural stories.
Further reading: The Rural-Urban Binary in Egyptian Film and Culture

The Second Wife - الزوجة الثانية

Struggle of the Heroes - صراع الأبطال

Missing Person - خرج ولم يعد

Shafiqa and Metwally - شفيقة ومتولي

Mouths and Rabbits - أفواه وأرانب

A Story From Our Village - حكاية من بلدنا

The Sin - الحرام

The Nightingale's Prayer - دعاء الكروان

The Land of Dreams - أرض الأحلام

Struggle on the Nile - صراع في النيل

The Good Earth - الأرض الطيبة

Abo El-Leil - أبو الليل

The Drought - جفت الأمطار

The Postman - البوسطجي

The Unknown Man - الرجل المجهول

The Mountain - الجبل

A Touch of Fear - شيء من الخوف

Blood on the Nile - دماء على النيل

The Tyrant - الطاغية

Baheyah - بهية

The Flame (Love and Hate) - اللهب

The Powerful - الاقوياء

The Intruder - الدخيل

The Caller - النداهة

The Confrontation - المواجهة

The Die Is Cast - الفاس في الراس

Devil's Son - ابن الشيطان

Tempest of Love - عاصفة من الحب

The Beast, Style A - الوحش