Syrian Posters Collection
The 1960s and 70s represented a flourishing moment for the Syrian cinema. The local industry was always comparatively small, however a movement toward regional co-productions with Lebanese and Egyptian filmmakers, actors, and technical talent resulted in films with a higher level of quality and popularity.
Syrian posters often showcase a more experimental style than their Egyptian counterparts: local poster design was a small niche served by artists who typically specialized in other forms. The greater diversity of imagery and designs provides intriguing documentation of an aspiring cinema and the creative collaboration between its filmmakers and poster artists.
This selection of fine art film posters celebrate Syria's achievements in film and showcase in wonderful color and design stories that are dramatic, romantic, daring, funny, and historically vital. Enjoy this journey of discovery into an under explored corner of the Arab cinema.
Further reading: Syrian Cinema: Joys and Sorrows of the Arab World

The Three Swindlers, Style A - النصابين الثلاثة

The Funny Thief - اللص الظريف

The Pearl Necklace - عقد اللولو

The Bank - البنك

Love in Istanbul - غرام في استانبول

The Tramps, Style B - الصعاليك

I Am Antar - أنا عنتر

Modern Girls - بنات آخر زمن

The Fox - الثعلب

Fire of the Body - لهيب الجسد

A Meeting in Palmyra - لقاء في تدمر

Sah El-Nom - صح النوم

The Ladies Tailor - خياط للسيدات

Dream Hotel - فندق الأحلام

An Official Mission - مهمة رسمية

Lovers - عشاق

My Wife Is a Hippie - زوجتي من الهيبز

The Suitable Man - الرجل المناسب

The Liberation Knights - فرسان التحرير

The Resistant Man - الرجل الصامد

The Borders - الحدود

The Heroes' Squadron - سرب الأبطال

Kafr Kassem - كفر قاسم

The Survivor - المتبقي

The Report - التقرير

Ghawar's Empire - امبراطورية غوار

The Leopard - الفهد

The Adventure - المغامرة

Summer Rain - أمطار صيفية